rust181 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust181-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust182 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust182-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust183 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust183-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust184 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust184-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust185 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust185-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
s-nail | | BSD mail utility with MIME extensions |
s2tc | | S2TC - a subset of a well known texture compression scheme |
s3cmd | | Tool for copying files to/from Amazon S3 |
s3funnel | | Multithreaded tool for performing operations on Amazon S3 |
s5cmd | | Ultra-fast tool for managing s3 compatible storage |
sabnzbd | | Web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support |
sabnzbdplus | | Web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support |
sacc-git | | Console gopher client |
safekeep | | Centralized and easy to use backup application |
sagittarius | | R6RS/R7RS Scheme system |
sailor | | Wannabe portable container system |
samhain | | Open-source IDS/file integrity checking |
samtools | | Tools for manipulating sequence alignment maps |
sapling | | Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System |
sara | | Security Auditor's Research Assistant |
sarf | | Arabic Morphology System |
sbc | | Bluetooth subband codec |
sbcl | | SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation |
sbcl-git | | SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation |
sblim-sfcc | | Small Footprint CIM Client Library |
scare | | Interpreter for interactive fiction written in Adrift |
scc | | Count physical lines of code in many programming languages |
sccache | | ccache with Rust and Cloud storage support |
scheme48-sdl | | scheme48 with SDL bindings |
schur | | Calculating properties of Lie groups and symmetric functions |
scilab | | High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics |
scim-git | | Text-mode spreadsheet |
scimark | | Java benchmark for scientific and numerical computing |
scintilla | | Source code editing component |
scip | | Solver for mixed integer, mixed integer nonlinear programming |
scite | | Source code editor |
scm | | Portable scheme interpreter |
scmail | | The scmail is a mail filter using Gauche |
scourge | | Graphical 3D roguelike, vermin extermination |
scr2png | | Converts the output of FreeBSD vidcontrol -p to PNG |
scrc | | SpecC Reference Compiler |
scrcpy | | Display and control your Android device |
scsh-install-lib | | SCSH installation library for third-party libraries |
scummvm-bass | | Beneath a Steel Sky |
scummvm-fotaq | | Flight Of The Amazon Queen |
scummvm-git | | LucasArts Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion |
scx | | Scx - a GUI library for scsh and Scheme 48 |
scythe | | 3'-end adapter contaminant trimmer |
sdd | | Replacement for 'dd' |
sddm | | QML based X11 and Wayland display manager |
sdict-tools | | SDict conversion tools |
sdif-git | | Side-by-side diff viewer (for ANSI color terminal) |
sdl-sopwith | | Classic biplane shoot-'em up |
SDL2_testgamecontroller | | Gamepad and joystick configuration tools from SDL2 |
seafile-client | | Seafile client |
seafile-gui | | Seafile client |
seafile-server | | Seafile server |
seagull | | Open source multi-protocol traffic generator |
SecLists | | Collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments |
sector-decomposition | | Used to compute numerically the Laurent expansion of Feynman integrals |
seeks | | Decentralized metasearch engine |
segvcatch | | C++ library converting hardware exceptions into a software exceptions |
self-git | | Prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language |
semanticscuttle | | SemanticScuttle is a social bookmarking tool |
semgrep | | Syntax-aware semantic code pattern search for many languages |
semgrep-core | | Lightweight static analysis for many languages |
send-pr | | Problem reporting tool for GNATS bug-tracker |
sendmailX | | Modular Mail Transfer Agent |
sent | | Simple plaintext presentation tool |
seqtk | | Tool for processing sequences in FASTA/FASTQ format |
serendipity | | Blogging tool written in php |
serious-engine-tfe-git | | Open source version of a game engine for the Serious Sam games |
serious-engine-tse-git | | Open source version of a game engine for the Serious Sam games |
service | | Small tool to handle rc.d service scripts |
seturgent | | Set an application urgency hint using x11 |
sfeed_curses-git | | sfeed curses UI |
sfeed-git | | RSS and Atom parser |
sflphoned | | Multiplatform softphone for IP telephony using SIP (VOIP) |
sgmltools-lite | | Friendly Python interface to SGML software |
shaarli | | Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone |
shadow | | User administration and passwd database tools for Linux |
shairport-sync | | AirPlay audio player with multi-room audio synchronisation capability |
shaper | | Bandwidth limiter for Linux |
sharif-univ-ttf | | This font was created by Sharif University |
shed | | Simple curses-based hexadecimal editor |
shell-fm | | Console based player for Last.FM radio streams |
shellharden | | Shell script syntax highlighter and rewriter |
shellinabox | | JavaScript/CSS web server instrumentation for terminal emulation |
shoutcast | | Internet Streaming server for MP3 audio |
showfont | | Displays font data from an X font server |
showmesh | | Display program for easymesh |
shtool | | Small but very stable and portable shell scripts into a single shell tool |
shttpd | | Lightweight, easy to use web server |
shunt | | Burning multi-set CDROM backups |
sic | | Simple IRC client |
mk | | Subfolder |